About me

Thanks for visiting hotwatertalk.com.

Hi, my name is Zeljko or Z. Z is how friends used to call me in Serbia and now in Canada where I live with my beautiful wife and two lovely boys.

I am a Mechanical Engineer by profession, specialized in heating, ventilating and air conditioning – HVAC. I have spent several years in my working life, in gas industry, working on gas combi boilers, water heaters and gas burners for residential and commercial applications, for home heating and hot water heating and preparation.

All my work in gas industry was related to design, technical support and sales, where I had an opportunity to train plumbers, distributors, installers, service staff, and engineers. They were trained weekly and monthly on how gas water heaters and boilers work, common problems, troubleshooting, and had to deal with the customers on a daily basis. Back home I had a chance to get familiar and work on combi boilers and water heaters such as Vaillant, Junkers, Beretta, and others.

My goal is to collect a great amount of info, how to’s, DIY tips, and other information about water heating, gas, electric and solar water heaters and boilers, alternative energy, share my knowledge, and create a helpful guide.

This is why I have created hotwatertalk.com; a place to find and share information that will help you make the right buying decision, about water heating troubleshooting, DIY repairs, etc.

If you have any questions, concerns, comments, or would like to participate in reviews, share your story, your problem, or to help others, be free to use contact me.